Zapallar Attractions Zapallar-English

Getting to Zapallar, Chile

Driving directions from Santiago to Zapallar – Drive time approx. 2 hours <distances below are approximate>:

  • Follow Route 5 North to Puchuncavi turnoff  <117km or 70 miles, about 2km past La Calera>.  Look to the right at KM signpost 50 and on a clear day you will get your first look at the Aconcagua, the 3rd tallest mountain in the world.  If you want to eat along the way, stop at Torofrut (around the 90km mark)
  • Take road over pass west from Nogales towards Puchuncavi until end <27km or 16 miles>
  • Turn right at end onto coastal road north to Zapallar <23km or 14 miles>
  • Turn left into the town of Zapallar

NOTE: If driving from the airport or Santiago, be sure to have at least CH$20.000 pesos for gas, road tolls…

Alternately, taking about 3 hours instead of 2, one can drive from Santiago to Valpariaso/Vina Del Mar, and then take the road up the coast to Zapallar.  While doing this drive, one can stop in the Casablanca wine area for some tastings or tour the port city of Valparaiso

Travel to Zapallar by bus: The bus system is good in Chile (TurBus).  You can get a bus from the airport to downtown (out the airport doors to the right) and then a bus from downtown to Zapallar.  Be sure to get a direct bus (more direct) from downtown instead of one that makes all the stops.  It is about a 3 hour bus ride from downtown Santiago.

4 replies on “Getting to Zapallar, Chile”

Punta Choros to La Serena, La Serena to La Ligua, La Ligua to Zapallar by bus is possible but highly cumbersome! Schedules from La Serena would be easy… but Punta Choros schedules are likely very limited. But yes, possible

Thank you! I was actually confusing Zapallar with another town when I wrote that! That public transport route does sound a bit much! I am working on a 2 week trip and I’d love to include Zapallar in my travels because it looks so stunning in the photos you posted!

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