Hikes Zapallar-English

Zapallar to Cemetery Hike

The hike between Zapallar and the cemetery north of town is a wonderful coastline walk, partly a stroll on a rambla (developed pathway) and partly boulder hopping.  The walk will take about an hour, an hour and a half each way.  One can be dropped off at the cemetery and do the walk one way back to Zapallar.


For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume hiking from the cemetery back to Zapallar. To begin with, take some time walking through the cemetery. Many of the old Zapallar families have family plots here and their ancestry dates well back in town’s history. Many of the personalities responsible for the development of Zapallar reside in this cemetery.


From the oceanside of the cemetery, a rambla begins that forms the first portion of the hike.  This rambla follows the coastline, winding its way between the ocean crashing on the granite shore and the stately homes that have sprung  up in this area.

Mid-point in the rambla, there is a rock out-cropping jutting into the sea that has interrupted the construction of the pathway.  At this point, you have to scramble up the hillside to get past this obstacle.  Dropping down the other side to rejoin the rambla, one finds a beautiful swimming hole frequented by the locals.

At the end of the rambla begins the portion of the trip boulder hopping down the coastline (at this point you could scramble up the hillside to the road and walk the road back to Zapallar).  The walk is generally pretty staright-forward and easy, although there are a couple spots where one has to explore to find the best way past an obstacle.

Constantly on this walk there are beautiful views of the coastline and the ocean waves that make this area so spectacular.  One can spy dolphins out the the water, and if really fortunate, maybe even a whale.

The last portion of the trip is the anticipation of getting closer and closer to Isla Seca.  The portion of the hike winding your way through boulders terminates at Isla Seca.  From this point on, one can take the Rambla back into the Zapallar pueblo.

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